ICYMI: Sen. Scott Hosted South Carolina Prayer Breakfast, Celebrated Faith, Religious Diversity

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.), hosted the 13th Annual South Carolina Prayer Breakfast. The standing room only event highlighted the vibrant religious diversity and flourishing faith that roots the Palmetto State.

“From Hindus, to our Jewish community, to obviously our Christian community, the South Carolina soil is responsible for a lot of firsts of our religious perspective,” said Senator Scott. “I have often hoped, and sometimes even prayed, that somehow seeds would just fall from the sky miraculously, but it reminds me of James 2:17, that faith without works is dead. So let us constantly and continuously be at work spreading the good news that we have all been blessed with.”


                                                                                                                           Watch the recap video here                       


                                                                                                               View the full event photo gallery here.         
