Scott, Cornyn, Bennet, Warner Introduce Bill to Support Teachers and School Leaders

WASHINGTON–U.S. Senators Tim Scott (R-SC), John Cornyn (R-TX), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Mark Warner (D-VA) today introduced the Teacher and School LEADERS Act, which would reform Teacher Quality Partnership Grants to better support school leaders and allow for greater innovation in educator preparation.

“We can never thank our teachers enough for everything they do for our children, but we can take important steps like the Teacher and School LEADERS Act,” Sen. Scott said. “By ensuring strong support for high-quality teacher and leadership preparation programs, we can help our educators gain even more tools to pass on to the next generation of leaders.”

“Strong school leaders can have an outsized impact on the quality of education for our students, especially in high-needs school districts,” Sen. Cornyn said. “It’s important that educators have access to grant programs to further their impact in our local schools, and I’m proud to partner with my colleagues on this legislation.”

“Teachers and leaders are working tirelessly in schools across the country and deserve the best training and support possible,” said Sen. Bennet. “By investing in more flexible, higher-quality training programs, we can empower educators to grow in their careers and use innovative approaches in the classroom.”

“Professional development opportunities allow teachers and school leaders to grow in their careers and become better educators,” said Sen. Warner. “I am proud to join my colleagues in reintroducing legislation that invests in the future of our children by supporting and empowering their educators.”

The Teacher and School LEADERS Act would reform Title II of the Higher Education Act to expand the Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) Grant program. Specifically, the bill would:

  • Expand the program to provide training to educators who aspire to fill leadership roles in high-need schools.
  • Provide grant applicants and recipients greater flexibility over who they can partner with for preparation programs by removing restrictions requiring them to partner with an Institution of Higher Education to qualify. 

Several groups have announced their support of the Teacher and School LEADERS Act, including Educators for Excellence, Knowledge Alliance, Leading Educators, National Center for Learning Disabilities, National Council on Teacher Quality, National Writing Project, New Leaders, National Network of State Teachers of the Year, Teach for America, Teach Plus, Teaching Matters, and Third Way.

To access full text of the bill, click here.

