Senator Scott Statement on Trump Executive Orders

Charleston, SC– U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) issued the statements below following President Trump signing three Executive Orders this morning – a federal hiring freeze (exempting the military), reinstating the “Mexico City” policy regarding federal funding for abortions, and withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Federal Hiring Freeze– “Today President Trump took a strong step forward in reining in the size of the federal government by instituting a hiring freeze. This will allow for a full assessment of thousands of open positions that draw funding but are often never filled. As we look for solutions to bring some fiscal sanity back to Washington, a federal hiring freeze will help us accomplish that goal.”

Reinstatement of the “Mexico City” policy– “I am staunchly pro-life, and commend the President for reinstituting the so-called ‘Mexico City’ policy, banning federal funding for non-governmental organizations that provide abortions overseas.”

Withdrawal from TPP– “When it comes to trade, I am committed to ensuring our trade deals are promoting what’s best for the American peopleand South Carolina workers. President Trump made it clear throughout his campaign that he would rescind the United States’ involvement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, so this should come as a surprise to no one. I am hopeful this puts us in a position to find better trade deals with willing partners around the world.”
