Senator Scott Supports Betsy DeVos for Education Secretary

Washington – U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the following statement after introducing and questioning Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos during her confirmation hearing in Senate HELP Committee:

“I have known Betsy DeVos for several years and the first thing I noticed and admired was her passion for education. For nearly three decades, Betsy has been focused on improving the quality of education for every child, in every zip code across the country. She has dedicated most of her career to helping at-risk students who are often trapped in under-performing schools.

I was a poor kid myself who grew up in a low-income community, who almost flunked out of high school. I know firsthand that a solid education can help lay the foundation for a brighter future. I admire Ms. DeVos for the work she has already put into enhancing our K-12 education system, and for successfully advocating for the expansion of educational opportunities for students, and families across multiple states. She is a visionary leader who believes education is the key to the American Dream, and I know she will help take the Department of Education to the next level.”

You can watch Senator Scott’s introduction HERE.; you can watch Senator Scott’s questioning HERE.
