- Thursday, October 5th, 2017
Sen. Scott commemorates the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Washington – Charleston, SC – U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the statement below on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:
“Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lived during a time of great turmoil in our nation. He worked everyday for equality, unity, and to provide a voice for the voiceless.
Nearly 50 years after his death, our nation once again sits at the crossroads between unity and division. The treatment endured by Dr. King while fighting for freedom, from a house bombing to his murder, shows us all the threats we face when we choose division.
In his ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail,’ Dr. King opens by explaining why he was in Alabama. In referencing the Apostle Paul leaving his home in the service of Jesus, Dr. King wrote, ‘I too am compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my particular hometown.’
As we honor and celebrate Dr. King today, let us all remember that sentiment. We owe it to Dr. King and his sacrifice to ensure that everyday and everywhere across our nation we choose unity over division, and freedom over oppression. In America, freedom is not a unique concept, but rather one guaranteed to all.”