Senator Scott Receives “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” From National Taxpayers Union

Charleston, SC – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) was recognized by the National Taxpayers Union (NTU), a nonpartisan citizen advocacy group, for having a strong voting record on behalf of lower taxes, limited government, and economic freedom. Senator Scott is one of the few members in Washington whose deeds are worthy of the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” for 2015.

“I am pleased and honored to receive the ‘Taxpayers’ Friend Award’ from NTU” Senator Scott said. “I remain deeply committed to lowering taxes, reducing federal spending and ensuring that each American is better protected from burdensome regulations so that they have the opportunity to fulfill the American Dream.”

In 2015, 141 Senate votes were included in NTU’s scorecard. Only 14 Senators won the award for that year.Senator Scott also received the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award” for his voting record in 2013 and 2014.

“Senator Scott’s pro- taxpayer score of 84 percent was one of the best on all of Capitol Hill,” NTU President Pete Sepp said. “Through his consistent voting record, Senator Scott showed his colleagues the way to lower deficits, less burdensome taxes, and a stronger economy. If every Member of Congress had voted as conscientiously as Senator Scott did last year, taxpayers could have looked forward to a much more prosperous future.”

NTU has recognized Representatives and Senators since 1979 who annually earn high voting scores to qualify them for the “Taxpayers’ Friend Award.”
