- Thursday, October 5th, 2017
Senator Tim Scott Statement on Gov. Haley Signing Body Camera Legislation
Washington– U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the statement below following South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R) signing legislation into law that creates statewide guidelines for the usage and implementation of body-worn cameras for law enforcement officers in the Palmetto State.
“I want to thank the South Carolina Legislature and Governor Haley for moving quickly on this issue and determining the path forward for the usage and implementation of body-worn cameras in South Carolina,” Scott said. “I am proud we were able to come together as a state and take this step to help keep both our law enforcement officers and the communities they serve safer.”
Scott continued, “I look forward to introducing legislation in the U.S. Senate in the coming weeks to help provide tools and resources for departments in South Carolina and across the nation to purchase and implement body-worn cameras. With multiple studies showing a decrease in both public complaints against officers and in the use of force by officers, it is clear body cameras can play an important role in rebuilding trust between law enforcement and communities.”
Governor Haley signed S. 47 into law in North Charleston today, alongside family members of the late Walter Scott and other community leaders. The bill requires the use of body cameras by all law enforcement agencies in the state. Local departments will have to create their own policies and procedures to conform to guidelines developed by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Training Council.
Last month,Senator Scott testifiedbefore the U.S. Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism on the importance of body cameras. Scott hadpreviously requested the hearingbe held in order to begin the process of building a national consensus on the issue.