More Than A Driver

More Than A Driver

An unlikely pairing that became best friends is what happened to a bus driver for Berkeley County School District known as “Mr. Charles” when he met Kameron, a Cane Bay Elementary student that just finished kindergarten.


For Kameron, kindergarten did not start out like the average kid. “We found that he was having a lot of negative behavior issues that landed him in the principal’s office several times a day almost every single day,” Kelly Eisenberg, Kameron’s mom, said.


Mr. Charles says he noticed this with Kameron and decided to step up. “I said, ‘Look, you my little buddy,’” Mr. Charles said. “And I said, ‘We’re going to do this together and every day that you be good, Mr. Charles is going to have a prize for you on a Friday.’”


“I’ve never seen an instance where one child’s attitude, behavior and outlook on everything has completely done a 180 like Kameron’s did with Mr. Charles,” Williams said.


The two regularly have McDonalds and ice cream dates and Mr. Charles even attends Kameron’s baseball games on the weekends. They have plans to continue that over the summer and go back to their routine on the school bus in the fall, where it all started.

Read the story in full here!
