I am a strong supporter of our traditional conservative values. I believe that government should be protecting our right to religious freedom, not assaulting it.

I am strongly pro-life, supporting the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act. Since Roe vs. Wade, more than 50 million Americans have never had the opportunity to touch our soil, and that is a tremendous tragedy.

As a cosponsor of the Health Care Conscience Rights Act, I have also been steadfast in supporting efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act’s intrusion on American’s religious beliefs. Government is already overreaching into our homes and businesses; it can’t be allowed to do the same with our faith.

The people of South Carolina have voted overwhelmingly to protect the traditional definition of marriage, and I stand with their decision.

I regard all life as sacred, and am proud of our values and traditions.  For this reason I am committed to protecting the unborn and continuing to take a stand in defending traditional and religious values.

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