Trump nominates conservative Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Courtare

President Donald Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court on Saturday, capping a dramatic reshaping of the federal judiciary that will resonate for a generation and that he hopes will provide a needed boost to his reelection effort.

Republican senators are lining up for a swift confirmation of Barrett ahead of the Nov. 3 election, as they aim to lock in conservative gains in the federal judiciary before a potential transition of power. Trump, meanwhile, is hoping the nomination will galvanize his supporters as he looks to fend off Democrat Joe Biden.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., released the statement, saying, “From her time as a clerk for Justice Antonin Scalia, to her work as an esteemed law professor and judge, Amy Coney Barrett has proven she would be a fantastic pick for the Supreme Court.

“I am confident she will work to uphold the Constitution, defend our nation’s founding principles and be a valuable addition to our nation’s highest court. While Senate Democrats have already shown they are more than happy to belittle her faith through baseless partisan attacks, I look forward to voting on Judge Barrett’s nomination this year.”

In 2016, Republicans blocked Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court to fill the election-year vacancy, saying voters should have a say in the lifetime appointment. Senate Republicans say they will move ahead this time, arguing the circumstances are different now that the White House and Senate are controlled by the same party.
