Tim Scott: ‘Tearing down history for the sake of anarchy is not how we make progress’

The desire to purge “all of history because it was ugly or negative really does not serve the American people well,” according to Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C.

“The president’s comments about having stiff terms should send shivers down the spine of these agitators. They’re not a part of any protest, they’re simply agitators and simply trying to find their way to create anarchy, chaos and lawlessness,” Scott told “Fox & Friends” on Tuesday.

Scott said that anarchists’ plot is dangerous for every single person in the nation, especially the most vulnerable communities.

Scott said that the Edmund Pettus Bridge, located in Selma, Ala., preserved the “reality of how vicious people could be.”

“That’s why it was so important to see President Obama and President Bush standing together in unity underneath that bridge to reinforce the fact that in America, all things are possible. In America, we may have flaws, we may have challenges, but we get it together and we come together to overcome those challenges,” Scott said.

“If we want to do something, why don’t you put up a statue of Booker T. Washington. Why don’t you have a conversation about Washington Carver. These would be positive steps. Tearing down history for the sake of anarchy is not how we make progress in this country. It never has been and it never will be, because we are the United States of America.”

Full article here.
