Republican Senator Tim Scott says ‘American people are now solidly behind Trump’ over impeachment trial and the Democrats’ ‘greatest fears are coming true’

A Republican Senator says the Democrats are putting the spotlight on impeachment because ‘their greatest fears are coming true,’ that Trump will win in 2020.

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) told Fox News: ‘They’re pretty concerned and I think they believe that the American people are now solidly behind President Donald Trump and their greatest fears are coming true.’

Scott’s assertion on Sunday comes as the impeachment trial – only the third in American history – resumes on Tuesday.

‘The most important statement made about this entire impeachment process was made by (Texas) Congressman Al Green when he said if we don’t impeach him, he might win.’ Sen. Scott added. 

During the trial, Sanders and other senators are required to sit for perhaps six grueling hours of proceedings daily – except Sundays, per Senate rules – in pursuit of the ‘impartial justice’ they pledged to pursue.

With Republicans controlling the Senate 53-47, they can set the trial rules – or any four Republicans could join with Democrats to change course.

The House on December 18 voted mostly along party lines to impeach, or indict, Mr Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

He denies both charges as the products of a ‘witch hunt’ and a ‘hoax’, and has cast himself as a victim of Democrats who want to overturn his 2016 election.

Full article here.

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oring up which prosecutor will handle which parts of the case and doing a walk-through of the Senate.

Full article here.
