GITMO IN FOCUS: What Obama’s Failed Foreign Policy Means to the United States

“[T]he President’s foreign policy has been an absolute failure, and his willingness to close Guantanamo Bay and send the world’s worst enemy combatants to a location near some of us is simplythe icing on a disastrous cake – baking into American history a terrible eight-year run on foreign policy.” – Senator Tim Scott, March 3, 2016

(Photo: SAUL LOEB, AFP, Getty Images)

Yesterday, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), a vocal opponent of President Obama’s dangerous plan to relocate international terrorists currently held in the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp in Cuba to domestic sites on US soil,delivered a major speechat the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on the impact of Obama administration’s failed foreign policies on our nation. Here’s what major South Carolina papers and nationally recognized conservative media are saying about his speech.


GREENVILLE NEWS, Greenville:“U.S. Sen. Tim Scott warned a national gathering of conservatives Thursday that, if elected president,Hillary Clintonwould continue the same foreign policies pursued by President Obama. […] Scott opposes the closure because it could result in moving some terrorist detainees to a military facility outside Charleston. […]Congress has passed a law barring the use of federal funds to close Guantanamo Bay or to transfer detainees to U.S. prisons. Scott promised to “use every weapon in our arsenal” to keep it open.” (Mary Orndorff Troyan, “Tim Scott says Clinton would continue weak foreign policy,” The Greenville News [SC], 3/3/16)

THE STATE, Columbia:“U.S. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina hammered President Barack Obama’s foreign policy in a speech Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference, staying out of the presidential election talk that dominated most of the day’s events. ‘Only in President Obama’s view of foreign policy do you negotiate with regimes like Iran and Cuba and North Korea, and at the same time publicly chastise our closest allies, like Israel,’ the Charleston Republican told conservative activists and lawmakers. (Vera Bergengruen, “Scott slams Obama’s foreign policy at annual conservative gathering,” The State [SC], 3/3/16)

THE POST AND COURIER, Charleston:“Scott chose to rile up the crowd at the Gaylord National Harbor Hotel with scathing indictments of President Barack Obama’s national defense strategy, particularly his interests in moving terror detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to sites inside the United States.” (Emma Dumain, “Sen. Tim Scott focuses on S.C. at CPAC,” The Post and Courier [SC], 3/3/16)


THE DAILY SIGNAL: “Sen. Tim Scott vowed Thursday that the Republican-led Congress will “stand strong and use every weapon in our arsenal” to stop President Barack Obama from closing the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay. Scott, R-S.C., has been a leading opponent of Obama’s plan to close the facility in Cubaand has warned the president against authorizing a military prison in South Carolina as a site to house Guantanamo detainees.” (Josh Siegel, Tim Scott: Congress Will ‘Use Every Weapon in Our Arsenal’ to Stop Obama From Closing Guantanamo, The Daily Signal, 3/3/16)

CNSNEWS.COM:“In a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) said Thursday that President Barack Obama’s ‘foreign policy has been an absolute failure’ and his willingness to close Gitmo and send enemy combatants to U.S. prisons is ‘the icing on a disastrous cake, baking into American history a terrible eight-year run on foreign policy.'” (Melanie Hunter, “Sen. Tim Scott: Obama’s Willingness to Close Gitmo Is ‘The Icing on a Disastrous Cake’,”, 3/3/16)
