ICYMI: After White House Meeting, Sen. Scott Discusses How Tax Reform Will Help American Families #KeepYoMoney

Washington — Following the bipartisan Senate Finance Committee meeting with President Donald Trump yesterday, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) spoke on the Senate Floor about the Republican tax reform plan and why it is essential to creating more jobs in America and helping middle-class, hardworking Americans keep more of their paychecks.

“Tax Reform is about two very simple pillars – how do we increase the take home pay of the average person in this country and how do we make sure the jobs of the future are created here in the good ole USA.”

“Our workers in this country take home less of their money because our corporate tax rate is too high. We can do something about that.

“#KeepYoMoney simplifies and crystalizes who we are talking about. We’re talking about single moms, like mine. We’re talking about folks who work hard everyday…strapped, challenged, with very little margin in their paychecks and their schedules.”

“When we talk about tax reform, when we talk about inversions being eliminated, let’s keep it simple. Let’s talk about about moms and dads, and single moms like mine. Can we make sure she can take more of her money home so she can take care of kids? The answer is yes. And we should do that A-S-A-P.”

Watch Senator Scott’s full remarks HERE
