ICYMI: Senator Scott Speaks His Mind on Yahoo News’ The Long Game

CHARLESTON, SC—In the latest episode of Yahoo News’ The Long Game, Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) joined Jon Ward for an extensive and in-depth interview on Senator Scott’s leadership philosophy, Opportunity Zone initiative, race relations in America, and advice for new Members of Congress.

Click the photo above to listen.

Advice for new Members of Congress
“He [Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC)] gave me advice after probably not even two months into the job as being a member of congress. He said, ‘Be very careful and very selective on the appearances that you make on TV because the faster you rise, the faster you fall most of the time.’ And so, he cautioned me not to go too fast too deep just because the opportunity was there. It’s the advice that simply says that just because there’s a microphone, you don’t have to speak.”

Opportunity Zones
“One of the reasons why I designed my opportunity agenda for those folks who were working paycheck to paycheck, is because A.) I’ve been there, and B.) They’re such a glorious people, they’re so amazing, and I want to make sure that they have the chance to succeed and prosper and blossom in this country because it’s part of who we are, it’s part of our DNA.”

Race in America
“The President called me on a Friday evening, or his staff did and said that he’d love to sit down and talk with me about my view of race in America versus his. It was very kind of him to invite me to the Oval Office. We sat there and we had a serious conversation. I shared with him the pains and the prejudices that I’ve experienced and that so many folks have experienced who look like me and ultimately this wasn’t about me.… He was fully engaged in the conversation… He asked me, “What can I do to be helpful?” Sir, Mr. President, if you would take a look at and perhaps support my opportunity zone legislation that brings capital back to the most vulnerable neighborhoods, it would be tremendous. And the next day on Air Force One, he gave my legislation a shout out and said that he looked forward to being supportive of it.”

