ICYMI: Senator Tim Scott Calls Out Biden Admin’s Failed Economic Leadership

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) joined Neil Cavuto’s Coast to Coast on Fox Business to discuss the Biden administration’s mishandling of the economy and failure of leadership on the world stage.


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On inflation’s effects at home … “The truth is that President Biden’s economic policies have led to the worst inflationary effects in our economy in 40 years. That means that the average person in our country is experiencing an invisible tax that is eroding their spending power. That means that our seniors who are on a fixed income have to find a way to ration either their health care or their medicine, their energy, or food. It means that people who are growing up in households like the one I grew up in [are] now having to make harder decisions than they’ve ever had to make. That’s wrong.”

On inflation’s global effects … “This feels like the Carter era. When you think about the explosive price in gas, when you think about what it costs to heat or cool your home if you’re in South Carolina, it is drastic. But more importantly, when you look at the global effect, you remember the days when Venezuela was at a 900 percent inflationary effect because of the crushing decisions of their government. … The truth is that the whole globe responds to the type of economic decisions that we make here at home. That’s why our global leadership economically matters so much.

“We should be forcing decisions here at home like: Why not restart our own energy economy, creating six-figure jobs here at home? Why not continue the conversation around the Keystone XL Pipeline? … Why not use Opportunity Zones to attract insourcing back into America?”

On COVID restrictions hurting the economy … “COVID is endemic within our community at this point, not an epidemic as I see it. So what we need to do is continue to make the adjustments that we’re seeing around the country. The good news is at home in South Carolina, our unemployment rate is 3.4 percent statewide … So the good news is we’re proving that we can handle the COVID challenges in a right-to-work environment. I’d recommend that we export South Carolina values and the dignity of work throughout the rest of the country, especially places like New York and California.”

