Scott: Affordable Care Act Anything But Affordable for South Carolina Families

Charleston – Following the news that at least 100,000 South Carolinians will see double-digit rate increases on healthcare premiums as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the following statement:

“This week’s news by the Obama administration that more than six million people enrolled in healthcare plans, including over 100,000 in South Carolina, will see staggering double-digit rate increases in 2016 because of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is yet another in a long string on examples that prove this law is bad for families, businesses, healthcare providers and the uninsured. The ACA continues to be anything but affordable for South Carolina Families. Almost every week we hear about more soaring premiums, lost coverage and billions of tax dollars wasted year after year on this failed national experiment and that’s why I continue to support a complete repeal and replacement of the ACA.”

A list of insurers along with their proposed rate increases for 2016 are available HERE.
