Scott, Cruz Champion Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act

WASHINGTON—Today, Senators Scott (R-SC) and Cruz (R-TX) introduced the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act. The bill expands elementary, secondary, and vocational education options available to all students—especially for those who are most vulnerable—by providing a federal tax credit that encourages individuals and businesses to donate to nonprofit scholarship funds for individual students’ education. 

“Education is the single-most impactful gift our generation can pass on to the next one. In every city, county, and state, we must do everything we can to ensure that access to quality education is top-of-mind as we strive to build a better life for our children. As part of my America 2030 agenda, I’m proud to partner with Senator Cruz to work towards a future in which kids like me, born into a single-parent family in poverty, have a chance to dream bigger,” said Senator Scott.

“I believe every student has the fundamental right to a quality education, as a quality education is the gateway to the American dream and stable, family-sustaining employment,” said Senator Cruz. “This week I will be introducing the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act, which will drive increased investment in our students, by creating a federal tax credit for taxpayers that donate to scholarship organizations supporting elementary and secondary education as well as secondary and post-secondary workforce training. My bill allows for scholarships to give elementary and secondary students a personalized education experience, as well as scholarships for career and technical education, apprenticeships, certifications, and other forms of workforce training for postsecondary students. It is my hope that this bill will not only incentivize voluntary investment in our students, but will also energize a new era of opportunity in education and provide a brighter future for all Americans.”


Senator Scott has been a longtime champion of smart, common-sense education policy that puts students and families first. The Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act gives states the power to create a program that works for them, includes workforce training education for our rapidly-changing 21st century economy, prohibits federal control of education, and provides scholarships to students whose families cannot afford tuition and educational expenses themselves. 

Earlier this year, in conjunction with National School Choice Week and his Opportunity Agenda, Senator Scott introduced the Creating Hope and Opportunity for Individuals and Communities Through Education Act, or the CHOICE Act. The CHOICE Act would give military families, families of students with disabilities, and low-income students in Washington, D.C.—together totaling more than 6.2 million students nationwide—access to greater educational opportunity.

To read the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act, click HERE

