Scott Provision Aiding Restaurant Workers Included In Relief Package

HEALS Act introduced by Senate Republicans this afternoon

WASHINGTON – As Senate Republicans unveiled the next phase of coronavirus relief and recovery this afternoon, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) formally announced his effort to aid restaurants and restaurant workers. The Health, Economic Assistance, Liability protection, and Schools (HEALS) Act will include Scott’s Supporting America’s Restaurant Workers Act, which provides a 100% deduction for business meals through the end of 2020. Currently, the deduction is available for only 50% of such expenses. 

“The Supporting America’s Restaurant Workers Act will lead to more customers, more opportunities for hardworking waitstaff and kitchen staff, and much needed revenue for small businesses across the country,” Scott said. “We know that more than 5.5 million restaurant workers lost their jobs as the pandemic hit, and while some of those jobs have been recovered, it is clear more help is needed. This is a simple, commonsense solution to help restaurants across South Carolina and the country.” 

The text of Scott’s provision can be found here.

