- Thursday, October 5th, 2017
Senator Scott Statement on Obama Administration’s Net Neutrality Announcement
Charleston, SC-U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), a member of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, released the following statement on President Obama’s call for the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to redefine Internet service providers as “common carriers” subject to Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, written nearly 80 years ago: “President Obama wants to force this modern revolutionary achievement into an antiquated framework designed for 19th century public utilities. The Internet is open and free today thanks to the U.S. Congress having enough sense to leave a good thing alone, despite President Obama’s repeated attempts to ‘fix’ something that is not broken by imposing onerous government red-tape and regulations. “Thankfully, federal courts have twice upheld current law by striking down President Obama’s ill-advised attempts to regulate the Internet. The Communications Act is in dire need of an update, but President Obama should not again attempt to circumvent Congress and shove a square peg in a round hole with another unilateral action that violates Congressional intent. “I urge President Obama to stop this Congressional end around now and work with us on reasonable updates to the Communications Act that preserve Internet freedom.”