Senator Scott votes in support of David Shulkin to lead our Dept. of Veterans Affairs

Washington – Today, U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) voted in support of our next Secretary of Veterans Affairs, David Shulkin. He was confirmed by the Senate 100 to 0.

“For far too long, the Department of Veterans Affairs has fallen short of providing our veterans the care they have honorably earned. It is uplifting and refreshing to know the administration has tapped a longtime health professional and expert to lead one of the most important departments in our government. Mr. Shulkin is a distinguished doctor with more than 30 years of experience who will be able to provide the oversight and direction much needed to reduce appointment wait times for patients, improve efficiency at VA hospitals, and increase the number of healthcare professionals available to our veterans. I look forward to working with, and supporting, Mr. Shulkin as he assumes his new role and responsibilities as head of our Veterans’ Affairs.” 

