South Carolina Sheriffs Express “Grave Concern” Over Obama’s Threat to Close Guantanamo by Executive Order

Charleston, SC– The sheriffs of Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester counties sent letters to U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) expressing their strong concerns and objections to President Obama’s threat to close Guantanamo Bay by executive order – ignoring the will of Congress and the American people.

Sheriffs Al Cannon, L.C. Knight and Duane Lewis wrote, “We write with grave concern over President Obama’s recent and alarming announcement to use an Executive Order to transfer dangerous Guantanamo Bay detainees to the Charleston Naval Brig…we are shocked and alarmed that the President of the United States would so willfully and blatantly disregard the law of our country.”

Senator Scott said, “I want to thank Sheriffs Cannon, Knight and Lewis for their strong stand against the President’s threats to illegally close the detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay and transfer the terrorists held there to domestic locations. Our law enforcement officers know full well the issues that would come with holding some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists in South Carolina, and I will continue to stay in close contact with them as this fight continues.”

Click to read the full text of SheriffCannon,KnightandLewis’ letters.
