VIDEO: Senator Scott Statement on This Week’s Tragic Events

Washington- U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) released the following video message after the tragic events that occurred in Baton Rouge, Minnesota, and Dallas:

Click the photo above to view the video. You can also download itHERE.

Full transcript of Senator Scott’s remarks below:
This has been an incredibly trying, tragic week for our entire nation. Seven families are mourning the loss of their loved ones, and our country feels like it is fraying.

It is clear – we must have tough conversations. We must put ourselves in each other’s shoes.

I first want to address each of the events of the past week individually. In Baton Rouge, Alton Sterling’s children are mourning the loss of their father. Their heartbreaking press conference showed us all the human toll that these shootings truly take.

In Minnesota, Philando Castile died live…live on Facebook. The firsthand account of this event, and the video thereafter, is truly shocking. Having to hear a 4-year-old girl try to comfort her mother…it is almost impossible to put into words the emotions that image conveys.

These two deaths are the latest in a troubling trend of disturbing videos involving law enforcement and black men. We experienced this in my hometown of North Charleston last year, and I could not be more proud of the way our community came together. Protests were peaceful, voices were heard and the healing continues.

Then, last night, after police and protesters peacefully interacted throughout the night, came a devastating ambush in Dallas. Twelve police officers shot, five dead. There is absolutely no rationale for targeting law enforcement, and these actions are truly reprehensible.

Even during the tragedy, we saw the heroism of our brave law enforcement officers as they helped people to safety. We mourn the loss of these officers last night, and we are all praying for Dallas today.

Reacting to violence with violence will only lead to more heartache. As Dr. Martin Luther King Junior said, “returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars.”

We cannot, will not, let hate win. We have bridges to cross, but we cannot allow madmen to widen the divide.

America is a beautiful portrait of diversity, and part of that picture is understanding how our neighbors see the world. I’ve often described our nation as a patchwork quilt. These patches are black and white; red and brown; woven together by this notion of freedom and love.

We have to look within ourselves to find the resources necessary to treat others as we would have them treat us.

My prayers are with every one of these mourning families today. Let’s honor their memories by finding the solutions that need to be found.

God Bless our great nation.
