RCSD deputies pass out masks in Richland County

A South Carolina company donated thousands of masks in hopes of making our community safer.

It all came together after a member of the Booker Washington Heights neighborhood reached out to Senator Tim Scott about the 29203 zip code not having masks,so the senator and Okra Medical stepped in.

“29203 is a community that has a lot of apartment complexes and communities of a lot of senior citizens and those people in this zip code in North Columbia just do not have personal protection,” said Sheriff Lott.

Now, deputies with the Community Action Team and several other groups are making sure everyone in the zip code gets a mask.

“They’re very important because they’re pertaining to your health. This coronavirus is very detrimental to your health and some people aren’t taking it serious,” said Theodora Tucker who got a mask from deputies.

Those who received one Wednesday were very thankful.

“That’s very good. It tells you right then and there they care about the health and welfare of the community,” said Tucker.

One business owner took a few extra to hand out to the homeless members of the community.

“It’s good. Some people can’t afford it and giving free is better,” said Nasru Satikh who got masks to give to the homeless.

More of these masks will be distributed in this zip code in the next several days.

Some masks were given specifically to the Booker Washington Heights neighborhood, but they decided to donate them to the North Columbia Youth Initiative where they will be passed out to several apartment complexes.

Full article here.
