Sen. Tim Scott: The real motivation behind Dems’ impeachment push

“I’m concerned that if we don’t impeach this president, he will get reelected.”

Rarely do politicians show their hand with such an obvious statement. But, in early May of last year, that’s exactly what Rep. Al Green, D-Texas, did.

More than anything, those 13 words offer a clear vision of the Democratic Party’s goal over the past three years. Impeachment not only attempts to remove the president from office now, but would bar him from running for office in the future, as well. Simply put, without impeachment, Democrats have no platform on which to run.

With a little more than nine months until the 2020 presidential election, the national conversation should be very different. The economy is booming in every possible way you could measure. There are more job openings than job seekers, and the unemployment rate has reached its lowest point in the last 50 years. Seven million new jobs have been created, leading to African-American, Hispanic, and veteran unemployment rates setting all-time lows.

Democrats know they cannot win in this climate, and so they have decided to impeach the president.

The Democratic goals for 2021 are to repeal tax reform and raise taxes, impose Medicare for all with no way to pay for it, force on us all a New Green Deal that accomplishes little besides killing jobs, and promising “free” college that we all know is not truly free. That’s not the platform of a party that can win, but rather one that simply wants more government intrusion and control.

The joke’s on them, because even though they have impeached, President Trump is still going to be re-elected.

Full article here.
